A fluffy bunny with blue eyes and glasses holding an open book that has magical letters spewing out of it. He is sitting on a snowy rock in a snowy mountainous scene

Learn more than 8,000
English words in a year

With movies, TV shows and YouTube

Let us bring you closer to fluency
one movie scene at a time

A bunny holding a tablet with green glow


Spend less time pausing to look words up and more time learning
Learn words in context to make them stick

A bunny looking motivated with fire around it


Break up your learning into bite-sized pieces
Understand more of what you watch, the first time you watch it

A bunny holding a tv remote with a blue glow


Choose from 1,000s of Movies, TV shows and YouTube videos
Recommended content based on your English level


Loved by people around the world

I love being able to learn words before I even start watching, amazing!

Flurret has completely changed the way I learn English with TV shows, now I don't have to keep pausing all the time.

I am so much more motivated when I know I'll be able to watch the next episode of Peaky Blinders soon!!

I still can't believe how nice it feels to watch something and understanding most of the words before I even start

This is an awesome app. I've been wanting to watch The Greatest Showman for ages and now I can finally learn all the words for it!

Flurret has helped me learn more English words than any other method I've tried

Learn words
Before watching a movie or TV show, Flurret teaches you all the words you need to understand it.
No more hours spent pausing to look in a dictionary instead of watching the movie.
to force someone leave a school, country or organization
a person employed to take care of a building such as a school or apartment building
a dream that is very frightening
extremely unpleasant and cruel
a feeling of surprise and joy when you see or experience something beautiful, strange or new
Review them
Flurret makes sure you actually know the words you learn.
You will review each word at least twice before watching the movie or TV show.
Immerse yourself
Forget a word when watching the movie or TV show?
No problem!
Use Immersive Mode to quickly look at the meaning in real-time while you watch.


A bunny sitting on a couch watching tv

Learn Real Content

We teach you all the words and definitions you need to watch the latest TV series and movies. Whether you like movies, TV shows or YouTube videos, we've got you covered.

A bunny in a library reading a book

Learn the Correct Definition

Some English words have a lot of different meanings, but Flurret will automatically teach you the most likely meaning of the word. Now you don't have to learn eight different meanings when you only need to learn one!

A bunny inside an ice cube

Never Pause Again

Are you tired of pausing your movie to look up words and meanings you don't know? With Flurret, you can learn everything before you start, allowing for a seamless viewing experience.

A bunny putting a book on a book shelf

Word Storage

Flurret remembers every word you learn so that when you pick up the next movie in the series or watch the next episode, you only have to learn any words that you don't know.

A bunny measuring the length of a book cover with a pair of vernier calipers

Word Calibration Quiz

We've developed a rapid-fire quiz to quickly determine how many words you already know. Since Flurret works best when we store how many words you know, when you sign up we run a calibration quiz to figure out what level you are.

A bunny holding an open book that is surrounded by floating review cards

Spaced Repetition System

At Flurret we use a spaced repetition system which is a fancy way of saying we teach you using flash cards, which you will review at the optimal time for memory retention and quick learning.

Frequently Asked Questions